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Multiple Trailers in Traffic v1.49.1

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Multiple Trailers in Traffic v1.49.1 ETS2

NEW in v1.49.1 Painted Traffic Pack by Jazzycat

Traffic versions of the double trailers Jazzycat’s Trailers & Cargo mod – drawbar double and HCT versions.
Trucks from Jazzycat’s Painted BDF Traffic Pack with dollies & trailers from Jazzycat Painted Truck Traffic & Trailers And Cargo Packs, viz.
Mercedes Actros trucks with 20′ containers, towing 2×20′, 40′ and 45′ container trailers. Only seven trucks, alas, though container skins in the same format are not difficult to find. Including them would require changing Jazzycat’s .pmd file so this has been left as an Exercise for the Reader.
Variety of curtainsider, dryvan and reefer trucks with matching trailers, albeit that some companies have different ideas about what constitutes a “matching” paint job.
REQUIRES JAZZYCAT’S PAINTED BDF, PAINTED TRUCK, and TRAILERS & CARGO MODS AND THE ETS2 DOUBLE TRAILERS IN TRAFFIC BASE MOD. Current version built using BDF v15.1, Painted Truck v18.3 and Trailers & Cargo v11.9.1 so may not work properly – or at all – with older versions of these mods.
This tends only to get updated when I’m cat-stting for my ex-wife because matching trucks and trailers gives me a headache, even with a degree of automation.

NEW in v1.49.1 Unpainted Traffic Pack by Jazzycat

Trucks from Jazzycat’s Truck Traffic Pack with dollies & SCS trailers – flatbed and log trailers.
REQUIRES JAZZYCAT’S TRUCK MOD1 AND THE ETS2 DOUBLE TRAILERS IN TRAFFIC BASE MOD. Current version built using v9.1.3 fot he Truck Traffic mod so may not work properly – or at all – with an older version.

Some other Stuffs have been added/removed/changed too. This version of the package COMPLETELY supercedes v1.49 so please throw all mods in that one away and replace with v1.49.1.

Mr Larrington
Gnadenthal Map v1.5 FS22
Galgenberg4x Map v1.0.0.1 FS22

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