FS22 Tractors

Massey Ferguson 398T v1.0.0.3 FS22

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Massey Ferguson 398T v1.0.0.3 FS22

Added interactiveControls.

Added InteractiveControls.
Engine configuration 398T 100hp, 398T Modified 130hp.
Configurations with wider wheels.
Double weight pack 1040kg, single pack (11 ballasts) 495kg, single pack (14 ballasts) 630kg.
Ballasted rims (700kg, 1150kg, 1700kg).
Muffler configurations (original, original 45°, stainless steel, 45° stainless steel, low stainless steel).
Working horns are configurable in 3 positions (above the cabin, next to the cabin, and under the cabin).
“Eyelids” added 4 configurations (nothing, right wink, left wink, angry).
Plate on the front glass where you can write your name or in a standard position.
Setup for fenders.
The front grille strobe lights working.
I hope you like it

R1ck27 Mattxjs

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